Bullying Prevention and Intervention
English Language Learner Program
Broadmeadow School ELL (781) 455-0448
Jackie O'Doherty (x51336)
Elementary Counseling
Needham Public Schools Counseling Department
Rocio Camarco-Ruiz, Pre K-6 Counseling Director
Broadmeadow School Counseling (781) 455-0448
Laurie Blakely, (Kindergarten, Grades 1 & 2) x51335
Katie Lizotte, (Grades 3, 4 & 5) x51364
Jacqui Murphy (Connections Adjustment Counselor) x51567
Health Services
Needham Public Schools Health Services
Susannah Hann, Director of School Health Services
781-455-0416 x 382
Broadmeadow School Health Office (781) 455-0448
Marybeth Arigo, R.N. (x51309)
The school nurse can be reached by telephone, email or via a dedicated fax line. She is also generally available in the Health Office fifteen minutes before the start of school and thirty minutes after dismissal.
Fax: 781-455-0851
Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity, Inc.
Jennifer Kilson-Paige METCO Program Coordinator
Nutrition Services
Needham Public Schools Nutrition Services
Emily Murphy, NPS Nutrition Services Director
781-455-0400 x11216
Broadmeadow School Cafeteria Manager (781) 455-0448
Paula Theriault (x51248)
Social Emotional Learning
Social/Emotional Learning at the Needham Schools
Special Education
Needham Public Schools Special Education Department
Broadmeadow School Special Education (781) 455-0448
Adaptive Physical Education: Rachel Ball
Connections Adjustment Counselor: Jacqui Murphy (x51567)
Connections Liaison: Jamie Gallagher (x51575)
Occupational Therapy: Yvonne Barbier (x52803)
Psychologist: TBD (x51338)
Special Education Coordinator: Anne Cline-Scott (x51308)
Special Education Liaisons:
Cassandra Grasso (Gr. 2) x51569
Laurie Davis (K & Gr. 1) x51578
Erin Crandall (Gr. 4) x51576
Kevin Ruffenach (Gr. 5) x51577
Susanne Sirois (Gr. 3) x51568
Speech: Nicole McGonigle (x51363)
Needham Public Schools Transportation Department
Shane Marchand, Director of Transportation
781-455-0400 x11234